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Embedding the donation form into your website as an iframe or modal
Embedding the donation form into your website as an iframe or modal

modal, MYSITE, iframe, pop up, popup

Updated over 4 months ago

Once you've created your MYSITE donation form, you can either send your donors to the donation form's web address (URL), or install the donation form as an iframe.

However, you can also, quite easily, install the donation form as a "pop-up" (what's called a modal) inside of your own website, with a minimum of coding.

Will the donation form be blocked by pop-up blockers?

The pop-up uses an established web method called Modal, and as such will not be blocked by any pop-up ad blockers like Adblock.

Instructions for installing the donation form or store as a modal

After the <body> tag of your webpage, add the following script:

<script src=""></script>

Next, customize the example URL above in bold with the 1-word name that you chose for your donation form. So if your form is called leket2, the URL should be

  • To change the language of the donation form, just change /en to the language parameter that you want to use, like /he for Hebrew.

  • You can add any addition variables that you'd like, as described in our Advanced MYSITE features.

Opening the modal donation form

To trigger opening the donation from from a button or a textual link, just add the following class: ig_open_modal

So, if my button's code is <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">

It would become <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary ig_open_modal">

Embedding the donation form of your campaign

If you want to embed the donation form of your campaign you need to identify the URL of the donation form of your campaign. Follow these steps:

  1. Go into your campaign.

  2. Click "donate now". The donation form will open as a modal.

  3. Right-click somewhere on the donation form, and select "view frame source".

  4. You should see something like this:

5. Remove the "view-source:" part (in bold above) and you'll have your URL address.

Instructions for installing the donation form or store as an iframe

Your iframe code will be something like this, and will include height and width parameters.

<iframe src="XXX" ></iframe>

Replace XXX with your URL address, adding ?fb=1 to the end of the URL. So if your URL is

Support for Bit for iframes (Israeli Shekel payment method)

To support Bit, please install the following script in the <HEAD> section of the page in which you've installed the iframe:

<script src=""></script>
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