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DAFTech Product Features: Fundholder
DAFTech Product Features: Fundholder
Updated over 2 years ago

The DAFTech platform consists of three core parts:

  1. Fundholder website: Where your fundholders engage with your DAF.

  2. Investment platform: An optional part of your fundholder website, where they can view the real-time value and makeup of their investment portfolio, and request online changes to their portfolio.

  3. Accounting and reconciliation: An admin platform that imports all of your bank account transactions into the platform, to automate and facilitate account reconciliation.

Fundholder website

The fundholder website can be licensed as a standalone platform, and custom integrated into your existing backend accounting platform. The fundholder website is completely customizable and white-labelled, built to meet the specific needs of your DAF and its fundholders.

Below is a list of some of the features that are included in the Fundholder website:

Set-up and Registration


The fundholder website is currently available in English and Hebrew, and we can add support for additional languages at your request (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.).


DAFTech supports multiple currencies, if you want to allow your fundholders to deposit and donate funds in more than one currency.

Online Registration

We work with you to customized the registration form, to collect the fields of information that you require from your new fundholders. Click here to view an example of a registration form.

After the fundholder fills out the registration form, depending on your preference, one of two things happens:

  1. The fundholder is thanked for their registration and they can access their account only after you approve it.

  2. The fundholder is given immediate access to their account, and you later review (and approve or reject) their application.

Website Tour

When your fundholder logs into their account, they are given a friendly tour of the platform. They also have ? icons on every page, to help guide them through individual pages, as they use them.

Fundholder Dashboard

Our dashboard includes all of the features below, but if you have an additional need, we can create a custom dashboard for you.

Fund balance

We show the fundholder their cash, investment, and combined balances.

Giving History - by Category

We show the fundholder a summary of their giving, visually broken down by category.

Favorite Causes

Fundholders can choose to follow their favorite charities (those that they've donated to, and ones they've yet to donate to). They can then easily give to those charities (a simple pop-up asks them how much they'd like to give), can send a direct message to the charity (sent without revealing the fundholder's email, so as to prevent unwanted solicitation), and mark them as their Top Cause to keep them at the top of the list).


Fundholders can see content and updates about their favorite causes, as well as recommended causes (which our AI system helps to determine) and as causes that you wish to promote. This content is fed by the charity themselves, and also aggregated from social media.

Latest Donations

Fundholders see a list of their latest donations, from all of the countries that you choose to support giving to.

Live Chat and Engagement

Using Intercom (the platform hosting this FAQ), you can receive live chat and service requests, and promote content and messages to your fundholders, either in-app, by email, or by SMS.

Deposit Funds

Make a new deposit

We support the following deposit methods:

  • Credit card, Paypal, Apple/Google Pay

  • ACH bank deposit (we initiate the deposit)

  • EFT (fundholder initiates the deposit)

  • Check

  • Securities

Online payments and ACH are processed and approved instantly through your Stripe account. For other payment methods, your fundholder records their payment intent, and once you've received it, you can confirm payment and attribute the funds to the fundholder account.

View my deposits

Fundholders can see their deposits, both cash and non-cash. When a deposit is made online, or is confirmed by you, its status is "approved" and a PDF receipt is made available for downloading. Otherwise its status will be "submitted".

Manage my Funds

Create a new fund

With DAFTech, your fundholder can easily create additional funds, and view the balance of their various funds. With the click of a button, they can easily log into their various funds.

Optionally, we can support batch creation of funds (for example, if a company wants to create funds for their employees).

Transfer money between funds

Fundholders can request to move money between their funds, or into the fund of someone else (for example, a friend or a family member). Optionally, we can support batch transfers (for example, if a company wants to transfer money into the funds of their employees).

My transactions

Fundholders can view a summary of all of the transactions that have affected their fund balance. Deposits and investment gains will increase a fund's cash balance, while donations and fees will decrease it.

My Profile

Manage my profile

Fundholders can easily update their personal information and preferences online.

Manage successors

Fundholders can set and manage their account successors

Set fund owners and access

We have three types of access that fundholders can give to third-parties over their fund:

  • Owner: A fundholder can make another individual the owner of a fund (for example, a spouse).

  • Full access: Allows an individual to take all actions within a fund, but doesn't give the person any ownership over the fund (for example, my office administrator).

  • View-only: Allows an individual to view and export data in a fund, but not to take any actions.


Searching charities

We support searching any charity in the world. Search charities by keyword or ID number, or use our many category and activity filters to narrow down your search.

Once a result has come up, you can follow the cause, or donate to it.

Select the sum you'd like to donate, the currency (if you support multiple currencies, the frequency (one-time, monthly, yearly), and when you'd like to place the donation: either right now, or at some future date.

Select whether you'd like to donate anonymously, with your name only, or to share your name and contact details with the charity to whom you're donating.

Send a special message or request to the recipient charity, or to the DAF. Then accept the terms of the donation (which you pre-configure). Your donation is then sent to the DAF for approval, but the funds are instantly withdrawn from your account (so that you can't donate more than you have or have committed).

Your donations then appear in My Donations, where you can see a summary and details of all of the donations that you've made, filter the list by date, organization, and frequency, easily make a repeat donation, and export the list to Excel.

Then, view your recurring donations, or stop the recurring charge at any time at the click of a button.

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