We have a Zapier app. You can find it through Zapier or by clicking here.
How do I connect my Zapier account to my GivingTech account?
After you find the GivingTech app, you'll be asked to enter your username and password. You can find them here. Please note that when you activate your GivingTech Zapier Sync, you'll only see the password once, so be sure to write it down. If you forget the password just turn off the sync and then turn it back on.
We're working on adding events for recurring donations, assignments and reminders, and for importing leads into the marketing system. In the meantime we have an event for receiving all new donations.
New donations
In using this connection, you'll receive information about every new donation that you receive. This information includes donor-specific fields, and donation specific fields:
Donor Fields | What it means |
DonorId | The unique ID that we give to every donor. |
Title | Mr., Mrs., etc. |
FirstNameEn | Donor's first name |
LastNameEn | Donor's last name |
Address1 | Address |
Address2 | Address2 |
City |
Zip | Zip/Postal code |
StateId | Our unique ID for the state |
StateName | The full state name (ex. Ohio) |
CountryId | Our unique ID for the country |
CountryName | The full country name (ex. Canada) |
Telephone | Contains the country code (ex. 972) |
The donor's unique email address. |
Donation Fields | What it means |
DonationId | The unique ID that we give to every donation. |
PaymentTransactionId | The unique ID that we give to every payment (some payments may consist of multiple donations). |
FrequencyId | The frequency of the donation (1 = One-time; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Yearly) |
TransactionDate | The donation date, as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS |
CurrencyName | The 3 character currency name (ex. USD, NIS) |
Sum | The sum of the donation, with 2 decimals (ex. XXX.XX) |
ReceiptI4U | The receipt number for NIS PDF receipts (Israel only) |
IsAnonymous | If the donor wished to remain anonymous |
ProjectId | The unique project ID associated with the donation |
ProjectNameEn | The full project name |
CardNumber | The last 4 digits of the donor's credit card. |
CardExpiration | The credit card's expiry date. |
CardType | The credit card type (ex. Visa) |
CustomField | We support up to 40 custom fields. They are presented here, separated by this character: ~ |
RepresentName | The full name of the person for whom the donation was made (in the case of a donation form, the honoree, and in the case of a campaign, the campaigner) |
RecipientName | The full name of the person that the notification message was sent to |
RecipientMail | This person's email address |
IsHonor | 1 = If the donation was made "in honor"; 2 = If the donation was made "in memory" |
EcardText | The personal message for the recipient |
SenderName | The name of the notification sender (generally the donor). |
LanguageId | The language of the donation form that the donor donated from (1 = Hebrew; 2 = English) |
FirstDonationToAmuta | 1 = This is the first time that this donor donated to your organization |
GbGiftAid | For GBP donations, whether the donor opted into the Gift Aid program |
IsGdpr | For the UK and EU, whether the donor opted into receiving communications from you. |
PfpId | if the donation was made to a campaign, this is the unique ID of the campaign (ex. 21354) |
PageUrl | In the case of a donation to a campaign, the one-word name of the campaign, taken from the URL address. So you'd see the result "MyCampaign" if the URL of the campaign is: https://my.israelgives.org/en/fundme/MyCampaign |
customroutingname | In the case of a donation through a donation form, the name of the donation form. So you'd see the result "leket2" if the URL of the donation form is: https://secureddonation.com/pay/leket2 |
FirstDonationOfRecurring | 1 = This is the first donation in a recurring donation order. |
Installments | If the payment was made in installments, the number of installments (0 = No installments) |
ProcessorName | The company that processed the payment (ex. Stripe) |
IpAddress | The I.P. address of the donor when they placed the donation. |