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Donation Forms
Elevate your online fundraising efforts with our cutting-edge donation form creation and installation tool, featuring advanced features like Smart Sums, Rescue My Donation, and seamless integration with US Corporate Matching Donation programs.
11 articles
What types of donation forms do you offer?donation form, donations
Introduction: MYSITE Donation Formdonation form, features, donating, mysite
Create a MYSITE donation form
Embedding the donation form into your website as an iframe or modalmodal, MYSITE, iframe, pop up, popup
Adding custom questions to your MYSITE formmysite, custom field
Case Study: Does MYSITE really increase giving?
Matching Donationsmatching, match
What languages do you have donation forms in?language, languages, donation form, mysite
Why do two of my donations suddenly have the same name?duplicate, name
Advanced Integration and Featurespost method, donation form, custom
POST payments to the donation formiframe, payment processing, developer